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87 results:
51. Peace and Security  
View all News & Activities  
52. Democratic participation and civic engagement  
View all News & Activities  
53. Democratic participation and civic engagement - Since independence, a diverse and vibrant civil society has emerged in Kyrgyzstan. Supporting and promoting it is one of the core concerns of FES Kyrgyzstan.  
Since independence, a diverse and vibrant civil society has emerged in Kyrgyzstan. Supporting and promoting it is one of the core concerns of FES Kyrgyzstan. Inclusive civic participation is a core…  
54. Socio-ecological transformation - FES Kyrgyzstan supports socially just and climate-friendly development  
FES Kyrgyzstan supports socially just and climate-friendly development Kyrgyzstan has been recognized as one of the most vulnerable Central Asian countries to climate change. As in most LICs,…  
55. Peace and Security - The Kyrgyz Republic's geographical location and historical context pose major foreign policy challenge  
The Kyrgyz Republic's geographical location and historical context pose major foreign policy challenge Due to its geographical location between Asia and Europe, the region of Central Asia has always…  
56. Legal Notice - Legal Notice  
Legal Notice  
57. Legal Notice  
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. Godesberger Allee 149 53175 Bonn Germany +49 (0)228 883-0 +49 (0)228 883-9207 Hiroshimastr. 17 10785 Berlin Germany +49 (0)30 26935-6 +49 (0)30…  
18.06.2021 | Social justice and inclusive economic development | Publications
New Publication: Understanding informal economy in Kyrgyzstan
On the 18th of June, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Kyrgyzstan organised a round table to present the results of the desk study titled "Understanding Informal Economy in Kyrgyzstan".  
20.05.2021 | Democratic participation and civic engagement | News
Training on Media Literacy and Political Education for journalists
FES Kyrgyzstan is implementing two projects in partnership with Community "Zhamaattyk" Media.  
11.05.2021 | Democratic participation and civic engagement | News
MEP Norbert Neuser meets civil society experts in Kyrgyzstan
Norbert Neuser, a member of the European Parliament, visited the FES Kyrgyzstan office on May 11th, where he met with local civil society experts.  
Search results 51 until 60 of 87